Fuel prices will change again. From this Tuesday, an increase is planned in the various gas stations. The price of diesel will increase by 84 cents and will now cost more than 16 dirhams.
However, fuel prices will vary from city to city and from distributor to distributor of gasoline and diesel at service stations
As a reminder, the cost of diesel fuel had fallen last September by about 80 cents while that of gasoline had remained stable. Here, moreover, are the main recommendations of the Competition Council contained in its opinion No. A/3/22 on the surge in prices of inputs and raw materials at the global level and its consequences on the competitive functioning of national markets for the case of fuels (diesel and gasoline):
– To urgently review, as a priority and in depth, the framework and the mode of regulation of the gas oil and gasoline markets.
– Further relax the conditions of access to the upstream and downstream gasoline and diesel markets by accelerating the implementation of the recommendations issued by the Competition Council in 2019.
– Review the legal and regulatory framework governing contractual relations between distribution companies and service stations.
– Encourage operators in the gasoline and diesel markets to use risk hedging instruments.
– To study the opportunity to maintain and develop a refining activity in Morocco.
– Extend the tax regime currently applied to the protected sectors to the petroleum products distribution market while introducing an exceptional tax on the excess profits of companies importing, storing and distributing diesel and gasoline.
– Avoid any possible return to direct subsidies for these products and instead introduce direct aid to the most vulnerable populations and adequate tax relief for the middle classes.
– Accelerate the implementation of the energy transition strategy.
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