In this circular the ADII recalled that the holders of import or export authorizations must be of Moroccan nationality and have reached the age of legal majority and must also meet the conditions provided for by the legislative and regulatory texts in force relating to the production and marketing of seeds and plants, while stressing that the authorized can only import seeds and plants certified by ANRAC in accordance with the joint order of the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Agriculture setting the conditions and modalities of certification of seeds and cannabis plants by ANRAC.
The ADII has also stressed that the batches of seeds and plants of cannabis certified must bear a label with the number of the decision of certification of the variety, the rate of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) of the variety and the words “cannabis: seeds/plants certified (e)” or the logo relating thereto.
The said certification, it should be noted, can be withdrawn by ANRAC when the cannabis variety no longer meets the conditions on the basis of which the said certification was granted. The list of certification decisions is published and regularly updated on the Agency’s website.
In addition, the import of cannabis seeds for the benefit of growers and producers authorized by ANRAC is subject to prior authorization issued by the Division of Plant Protection, under the National Office of Food Safety (ONSSA) and the completion of the formalities of phytosanitary control carried out by the competent services under the Office, present at the border posts.
Regarding the import of cannabis products, the authorizations are issued exclusively by ANRAC for industrial purposes. As for the export, it is also authorized by the same agency for medical, pharmaceutical or industrial purposes.
The ADII also specifies that the export and import of medicines and non-medicinal pharmaceutical products containing cannabis components remain subject to the legislative provisions in force, in particular Law No. 17-04 on the Code of Medicines and Pharmacy, and the Dahir of 2 December 1922 on the regulation of the import, trade, possession and use of poisonous substances.
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