Admittedly, the couple have a four-year-old child. But their relationship deteriorated over the days, to the point where the wife no longer wanted to sleep with her husband, a behavior that was inadmissible and suspicious in the husband’s eyes.
Two inmates supported him and took him to the courtroom of the criminal division of the Casablanca Court of Appeal. He suffered a fractured left leg after attempting suicide by throwing himself from the window of his second-floor apartment.
“I had no intention of running away, but I didn’t know what to do when I noticed that my wife was no longer alive,” said the thirty-one-year-old, who was employed before his arrest.
Father of a four-year-old child, he didn’t know which way to turn when he came face to face with his wife, who was a lifeless corpse, and tried to kill himself.
“I had to die too, Mr. President,” he said bitterly, bursting into tears.
His son was in the arms of his maternal grandmother, who, along with a few family members, was standing at the seats reserved for the public. She was waiting, no doubt, for him to be sentenced to a heavy prison term.
In fact, he told the court his version of events, which he considered to be true. For there were no other versions, since he was alone with his wife at the time of the argument that ended in her murder. In short, there were no witnesses. There were only the neighbors, who often heard noises of arguments between him and the deceased.
Concerning the wife’s last night on earth before being buried, the accused confessed that she refrained from sharing the same bed with him.
“She had been refusing me the marital bed for several months,” he told the court.
For several months now, she’s even let him use the bedroom to sleep with her toddler in the living room. And every time he explained that he wanted her, she pushed him away, arguing that she had lost the desire.
“I couldn’t understand what happened to her when she was barely 27. And I started saying she was cheating on me,” he added.
On the night of the crime, he took advantage of the absence of their child, who was spending the night at her maternal grandmother’s, to ask her to join him in the bedroom. But once again she refused. And so began an argument that ended tragically.
“I lost all control of my nerves, Mr. President, to start abusing her to the point where she lost consciousness,” he confessed. She never regained her senses.
“I had no intention of killing her, Mr. President, and I apologize to her, to our son and to his family,” he said in his final words before the court.
Verdict: the defendant was found guilty, but with mitigating circumstances, and sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment.
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