Today popular eVisa agency went down due to Mr. YE. RUIYUAN complaint. seems like they knew exactly how to take it down. their action caused a multi-million dollar business to go down. they complaint was saying that the agency is a phising website that takes money from people.
Mr. and Mrs. YE. made an eVisa orders that been submitted with urgency matter, however sometimes immigration takes longer to approve the eVisa but they couldn’t wait and took this vicious act.
The company served this year millions of happy customers and were shocked how bad people can be. currently the website because of their complaint is marked phishing for every customer get it. this creating huge losses to the company.
The agency provided a proof to the false claim of the customer from the official immigration website, also the email of the application been created.
The agency will sue both of the customers in a court for this criminal act and will also will take legal actions against them. “We don’t understand what they did that, maybe jealous competitor of our big success, those are real cyber criminals” the agency says.
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