The Economic Vigilance Committee is facing many difficulties in dealing with the informal sector and finding solutions for the category of impacted day laborers, whose laments are beginning to grow in abundance on social networks, even though associations as well as ordinary citizens are increasingly involved in helping them, whether by offering financial support or basic foodstuffs, among other services.
In various statements to the media, Employment Minister Mohammed Amekraz promised to “put in place mechanisms to deal with such cases,” pointing out that the Economic Vigilance Committee faces difficulties in dealing with cases relating to the informal sector and employees not affiliated to the National Social Security Fund, but is “aware of the need to develop ideas to deal with this category soon. »
After the decision of the authorities to close down cafes, restaurants, cabarets, hairdressing salons, baths, etc., many families are living on the help of neighbors, family members or donors, having been left without means of subsistence, especially since most of the heads of these families do not have a monthly salary and live on their daily income.
While the government has paid 2,000 dirhams to workers affiliated to the CNSS, drawing this amount from the Corona pandemic fund to enable them to meet their most urgent needs until the crisis ends, workers who are not affiliated to the CNSS or who work in the informal sector remain without any resources. They include heads of families who work in the most precarious conditions. They have not been hired by contract and their employers refuse to pay them, on the excuse that the activity is at a standstill.
The same situation is experienced by a number of employees in shopping malls. After the shops closed, their bosses left them out in the cold, as did many people working in hairdressing salons, cabarets, nightclubs, cafés, hotels, etc., who did not receive their salaries for that month, or at least the equivalent of the working days they had worked, because of the greed of the bosses, who turned off their telephones and closed their doors, leaving these employees to be on their own.
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