Simo Benbachir Hosts Mohamed Ramadan

In a special episode of his program ‘Nayda F’Hollywood’, Moroccan journalist Simo Benbachir hosted Egyptian star Mohamed Ramadan, whom Simo asked about his experience and his cooperation with Moroccan star Saad Lamjarred, particularly for the song “Ensay”, which the two artists performed as a duo.

Ramadan told Simo, “Saad is my brother and I am very happy with this Egyptian-Moroccan cooperation, which takes us back to the days when a singer like Farid al-Atrach sang alongside the Egyptian Mohamed Fawzi or the Lebanese Sabah. We are a great force and when we do this kind of cooperation we become even stronger, as happened with Saad Lamjarred and gave rise to this huge success that you have seen.

Ramadan, who met Simo at a party in Beverly Hills, wore a suit designed by West Hollywood-based Moroccan fashion designer Hicham Benslimane, whom the Egyptian artist considers one of the best young designers he has ever dealt with. “Hicham is a very talented young man and I was happy to meet him. I hope that our cooperation will last for a long time,” he told simo.

Regarding the message he wishes to send to his Moroccan audience, Ramadan said: “I hope to live up to their expectations. There are no Egyptians on the one hand and Moroccans on the other. We are one. May God make the love we have for each other last.”

For his part, Benslimane shared with Simo his pride in collaborating with Ramadan, whom he appreciates as an artist. “He has a style that sets him apart from all Middle Eastern artists. I’m proud that he liked my style. We will collaborate in the future, inchaaALLAH”, he said.

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