Ten recoveries of the new Coronavirus were recorded Sunday in Senegal bringing the number of people declared cured to eighty-two. The number of patients cured of the Coronavirus seems to have taken the upward curve since four days.
In addition to the ten recoveries announced on Thursday, there were 11 on Friday and six on Saturday.
On Thursday, at the evaluation of the response to Covid-19, one month after its appearance in Senegal, Professor Moussa Seydi, head of the department of infectious and tropical diseases at Fann hospital in Dakar, stressed that patients treated specifically with hydroxychloroquine healed faster.
He had subsequently announced his team’s decision to combine hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin to achieve better results.
”Patients on specific treatments such as hydroxychloroquine heal faster. We’ve seen it. But as I’ve had to say in the field of science, finding alone is not enough. It is necessary to do extensive research before validating an approach,” he warned. He insisted on the importance of winning the prevention battle to stop the spread of the disease in Senegal.
A total of 222 cases of Covid-19 have been officially confirmed in Senegal since the outbreak of the disease in the country (2 March). Two deaths have been recorded while one patient has been evacuated to his country of origin at the request of his relatives, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Action.
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