A large number of companies have been shut down and sectors such as aviation, real estate and tourism have been severely impacted by the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19. Regardless of what happens, these companies will be the most affected during the time of the pandemic and it will take them a long time to recover. However, the crisis has not proved disastrous for all sectors. In fact, it has even boosted certain services that were not yet sufficiently exploited before the Coronavirus.
It is clear that the digital world will emerge stronger after this exceptional crisis, since the confinement has multiplied by three, four or even five times our Internet connection habits. There is no doubt that online services and home-working will be definitively adopted by a large number of people, even when Coronavirus comes to an end. Another sector within our ecosystem that has been doing very well is the agri-food industry.
The images of Moroccans rushing to the supermarkets to stock up on supplies were pointless, as the Kingdom proved that we had sufficient supply. Adding insult to injury, Moroccans filled up their fridges more before the state of health emergency than before the first day of Ramadan! Today, the supply is much higher than the demand for certain products. Large retailers and local shops, more vital than ever in everyday life, have already proved that they are in control of the situation. We must therefore continue to help our farmers and our local production, because it is above all thanks to our own resources that we shall build the future of Morocco.
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